Anti-Fraud Monitoring

25.00 +VAT (annual fee)Contact Us

Use our Limited Anti-Fraud Monitoring product to ensure that your company never falls victim to fraudsters. It is easy to get caught up in the day to day running of business so we will send you an alert when any changes are made to your company.

Notifications will be for all changes made using paper forms at Companies House.

Just £25.00 per year

It is surprisingly easier than you may expect for someone to gain access to your company and make unauthorised changes, such as adding themselves as a director. If someone is able to successfully add themselves as a director in your company, it could have far-reaching detrimental effects. They could, for instance, gain access to your bank accounts, apply for loans and credit or even close the company.

With our Limited Company Anti-Fraud Monitoring service, we make it simple to ensure that you are always aware of the safety and security of your company.

Company Change Alerts

If anyone makes changes to your Limited Company using paper forms (ie. they completed and posted in paper-based Companies House forms), we will alert you of the nature of the change.

It is important to remember that your company is a legal entity with its own credit profile, its own credit history and it’s own bank account. This means if anyone is able to gain control of your company, they may be able to access your financial accounts and apply for credit.